• shooting courses


In brief: Pistol Shooting Basics, especially Safety, Instinctive, Semi-Instinctive, Aimed Shooting. 4 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, by appointment, prior knowledge is not required, average physical constitution, moderate physical exertion. Costs...
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In brief: Pistol Shooting Basics, especially Safety, Instinctive, Semi-Instinctive, Aimed Shooting. 4 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, by appointment, prior knowledge is not required, average physical constitution, moderate physical exertion. Costs: € 390 per person, from the 3rd person € 185 plus ammunition

In this course you will learn the basics of pistol shooting. We attach particular importance to safety when handling firearms. In a total of 6 practical hours, divided into 4 appointments of 1.5 hours each, we first train you in the safe handling of a pistol or revolver as well as instinctive, semi-instinctive and targeted shooting. Training methods include dry run, video simulation and live ammunition shooting.

The course also covers keeping and "carrying" a firearm in one's home, as well as the legal and ethical aspects of owning and using it.

The training methods and content of this course come from the repertoire of the best military and police special forces. PISTOLE BASIC is a "must have" for any responsible new gun owner, for those who haven't trained with their gun in years, and for people considering acquiring a handgun.



In brief: Pistol Shooting Basics, especially Safety, Instinctive, Semi-Instinctive, Aimed Shooting. 4 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, by appointment, prior knowledge is not required, average physical constitution, moderate physical exertion. Costs...
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In brief: Pistol Shooting Basics, especially Safety, Instinctive, Semi-Instinctive, Aimed Shooting. 4 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, by appointment, prior knowledge is not required, average physical constitution, moderate physical exertion. Costs: € 390 per person, from the 3rd person € 185 plus ammunition

In this course you will learn the basics of pistol shooting. We attach particular importance to safety when handling firearms. In a total of 6 practical hours, divided into 4 appointments of 1.5 hours each, we first train you in the safe handling of a pistol or revolver as well as instinctive, semi-instinctive and targeted shooting. Training methods include dry run, video simulation and live ammunition shooting.

The course also covers keeping and "carrying" a firearm in one's home, as well as the legal and ethical aspects of owning and using it.

The training methods and content of this course come from the repertoire of the best military and police special forces. PISTOLE BASIC is a "must have" for any responsible new gun owner, for those who haven't trained with their gun in years, and for people considering acquiring a handgun.



Möchtest du bei Bewerben mit-schießen oder deine Leistung bei Bewerben verbessern? Unser Kurs bietet dir: Optimierung deiner SchießhaltungOptimierung deiner AbzugtechnikOptimierung deiner AtemtechnikWettkampfvorbereitungTipps und Tricks für die Modif...
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Möchtest du bei Bewerben mit-schießen oder deine Leistung bei Bewerben verbessern?

Unser Kurs bietet dir:

  • Optimierung deiner Schießhaltung
  • Optimierung deiner Abzugtechnik
  • Optimierung deiner Atemtechnik
  • Wettkampfvorbereitung
  • Tipps und Tricks für die Modifikation deiner Sportwaffe

Unser Instructor für diesen Kurs ist Michi.

Er hat langjährige Erfahrung im Militärdienst national und international und als Range Officer bei Wettkämpfen bei Halevi Partner und diversen Schießsportvereinen. Mitglied beim HSV.

Die Begeisterung gemeinsam auf Augenhöhe etwas zu erlernen, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener ist seine tägliche Motivation.

Nächste Kurstermine:

3.10., 18.10., 8.11., 22.11., 6.12. jeweils von 18:00 bis 19:30

Kosten für 90 Minuten Training: € 58.-

Anmeldung HIER


In brief: basics of combat shooting, drawing the gun out of the holster, movement in space, changing magazines, time pressure. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, basic knowledge of pistol shooting required, average physic...
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In brief: basics of combat shooting, drawing the gun out of the holster, movement in space, changing magazines, time pressure. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, basic knowledge of pistol shooting required, average physical condition, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. Costs: € 290 per person, from the 3rd person € 145 plus ammunition

In this course we train the basics of combat shooting. This includes pulling the weapon from a holster, firing salvos quickly and accurately, firing at multiple targets, moving around the room with a handgun, and changing magazines. In the second half of the course, we also address the topic of time pressure and work with the stopwatch. The course consists of 3 units of 1.5 hours each, which should be completed within about 4 weeks for the best training success. The training methods and content of this course come from the repertoire of leading military and police special units.



In brief: safe handling under stress, movement, cover, tactics, including scenario training with force on force simulation weapons. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, basic knowledge of pistol shooting required, average ...
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In brief: safe handling under stress, movement, cover, tactics, including scenario training with force on force simulation weapons. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, basic knowledge of pistol shooting required, average physical condition, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. Costs: €290 per person, from the 3rd person €145 plus ammunition

The aim of this course is the safe handling of handguns in a self-defense situation under stress. The course includes instruction in storing and carrying the weapon concealed, drawing and shooting at multiple targets at medium ranges (approx. 10 to 15m), changing position, cover and changing magazines. The training also includes elements of unarmed self-defense (important at the shortest distances!) and shooting from extremely short distances. The workshop includes a variety of tactical exercises with so-called Force on Force weapons (sharp but harmless simulation ammunition) in which self-defense scenarios are practiced person against person.

We also cover the legal and ethical aspects of self defense with a gun. The training methods and training content of this course come from the repertoire of the leading military and police special units.

Note: all training content and scenarios are based on an effort to avoid physical violence or the use of firearms and to use them only when absolutely necessary, but then in an efficient manner.



In brief: deepening of techniques, scenario training with live ammunition and force on force ammunition, time-critical tactical exercises under stress 3x1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, based on Self Defense Basic pistol, ...
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In brief: deepening of techniques, scenario training with live ammunition and force on force ammunition, time-critical tactical exercises under stress 3x1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, based on Self Defense Basic pistol, average physical constitution, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. Costs: € 290 per person, from the 3rd person € 145 plus ammunition

The course builds on "Pistol Self Defense Basic" and consolidates the techniques in the context of situational and surprise exercises both with live ammunition and in person against person scenarios with Force on Force ammunition. This workshop offers in-depth exercises in handling a firearm under physical and psychological stress. With the help of the REBASE (Reality Based Stress Exercise) program, course participants are physically and cognitively challenged to a gradually increasing extent. The build-up of stress on the course participants is initially achieved by time pressure, later by acute and surprising complications of the framework conditions and physical obstacles. In an advanced stage, several stressors are used in combination. The resulting complex surprise exercises are filmed for subsequent analysis. REBASE programs are used in the training of professional special units and help to make the learned processes and reactions in suddenly occurring dangerous situations available, even under adverse circumstances (stress, pain).

Note: all training content and scenarios are based on an effort to avoid physical violence or the use of firearms and to use them only when absolutely necessary, but then in an efficient manner.



It is in the middle of the night when the bursting of your patio door wakes you up. Housebreaker? Your first thought: The children sleep in their rooms on the ground floor. We train the correct behavior in such and similar cases in this 2 times 3 hou...
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It is in the middle of the night when the bursting of your patio door wakes you up. Housebreaker? Your first thought: The children sleep in their rooms on the ground floor. We train the correct behavior in such and similar cases in this 2 times 3 hour workshop, which is aimed at gun owners and those who are considering getting a gun to protect their home.

The focus of the scenarios is on the correct handling of a handgun in closed rooms, moving with a weapon and correct tactics. In this adrenaline-charged workshop, we train movements and processes first in "dry training", then with reactive targets and person against person in situation exercises. The scenario training is largely carried out with simulation ammunition and protective gear in a realistic way man / woman against man as well as with a sharp shot at reactive targets.

Upon request, the spatial conditions of our clients homes can be recreated in our Force on Force Hall. Further, Training sessions may be held at your domicile upon special agreement.

2x3 hours, 4 to 6 participants, 2 appointments by arrangement, good basic knowledge of pistol required, weapons law certificate not required, average physical constitution, the workshop includes physical exercises with increased heart rate, costs € 390 per person plus ammunition

Note: all training content and scenarios are based on the endeavor to avoid physical violence or the use of firearms and only use them when absolutely necessary, but in this case in an efficient manner.



A firearm can provide us with subjective and objective safety in certain situations. But it can nonetheless endanger us if our weapon gets into the hands of our opponent. Handguns are distance weapons. Life-threatening conflicts, however, often arise...
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A firearm can provide us with subjective and objective safety in certain situations. But it can nonetheless endanger us if our weapon gets into the hands of our opponent. Handguns are distance weapons. Life-threatening conflicts, however, often arise in the immediate vicinity, be it a detention carried out by a police officer, security personnel at an entrance check or an armed private person being present at a a home invasion.

In this 3 hour workshop participants learn:

  • How to protect your firearm from being stolen in an extreme close-range combat situation (both with the weapon drawn and with the weapon in the holster)
  • how to (and when to) use their firearms in an extreme close-range combat situation
  • Disarmament techniques handgun, rifle
  • Disarmament techniques knife and stick

In addition to teaching the techniques, the workshop includes a large number of tactical practical exercises. Force on force simulation ammunition and protective clothing are used. The training for shooting at extremely short distances is trained with live ammunition.

A workshop for professionals and civilian gun owners.

3 hours, 4 to 10 participants, appointment by arrangement, requirements: solid gun handling, average / good physical constitution, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. Costs: € 170 per person plus ammunition



In Kürze: Spannungsgeladene 4 Stunden, Einführung in die Handhabung einer Pistole eines Karabiners und eines Scharfschützengewehres in Theorie und Praxis. Zusätzlich waffenlose Nahkampftechniken. Workshop für Erfahrung & Einblicke, ersetzt keine ...
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In Kürze: Spannungsgeladene 4 Stunden, Einführung in die Handhabung einer Pistole eines Karabiners und eines Scharfschützengewehres in Theorie und Praxis. Zusätzlich waffenlose Nahkampftechniken. Workshop für Erfahrung & Einblicke, ersetzt keine Schulung.

4 bis 8 Teilnehmer*innen, Termin nach Vereinbarung kein Vorwissen erforderlich, durchschnittliche physische Konstitution, der Workshop beinhaltet körperliche Übungen mit gesteigerter Herzfrequenz. € 250.- pro Person

Nicht einmal wir schaffen es, die 4-monatige Grundausbildung eines Special Ops Sicherheitsteams in 4 Stunden zu komprimieren ;) wir machen aber in diesem Workshop mit ihrem Team einen praxisorientierten Durchlauf in die Schieß- und Nahkampftechniken der Kommandoeinheiten.

Die Kursteilnehmer erhalten eine Einführung in die Handhabung einer Pistole, eines halbautomatischen Karabiners und eines Scharfschützengewehres. Getreu dem Motto "Die Pistole ist ein Werkzeug, die Waffe bist Du" wird der Workshop mit Nahkampftechniken aus Krav Maga, der militärischen Version waffenloser Kampftechnik der israelischen Armee ergänzt.

Dieser Workshop entreißt Ihr Team dem zivilen Alltag und führt Sie für 4 Stunden in eine Welt, in der die „Guten“ mit Hilfe von intelligentem militärischem Drill zu „Dangerous Good Guys“ werden. Natürlich erhebt der Workshop nicht den Anspruch einer fundierten Ausbildung und ersetzt kein systematisches Training. Er bietet aber mit Sicherheit einen Halbtag voller interessanter Inhalte und Spannung pur. Der Workshop bietet auch Selbsterfahrung in einem Bereich, den wir glücklicher Weise selten aktivieren, dem archaischen Kampf Mensch gegen Mensch.

Das Training beinhaltet eine Einführung zur Funktionsweise der Schusswaffen, „Trockentraining“ also das Üben der Abläufe mit der Waffe ohne scharfem Schuss, Training am Videosimulator, das Schießen mit scharfer Munition und sog. „Force-on-Force“ Training. Bei Letzterem wird mit professionellen scharfen aber ungefährlichen Simulationswaffen der Kampf Mann/Frau gegen Mann/Frau realitätsnah und mit reichlich Adrenalin geschult.



Wöchentlicher Perfektionskurs nur für aktive Polizeibeamte mit Robert Wagner, Chefinspektor i.R. Hauptamtlicher Einsatztrainer des BMI bei der WEGA, Staatlich geprüfter Lehrwart im praktischen Pistolenschießen.nächste Termine: 16. und 23. Februar, 2....
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Wöchentlicher Perfektionskurs nur für aktive Polizeibeamte mit Robert Wagner, Chefinspektor i.R.

Hauptamtlicher Einsatztrainer des BMI bei der WEGA, Staatlich geprüfter Lehrwart im praktischen Pistolenschießen.

nächste Termine: 16. und 23. Februar, 2. und 9. März, jeweils 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr

Der Sonderpreis für 2 Stunden Schießtraining mit Einsatztrainer Robert Wagner inklusive 50 Schuss Munition (9mm) beträgt €69.- Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.

Wir bitten um Anmeldung per e-Mail: office@halevipartner.com



Basics of shooting with a semi-automatic carbine or advanced combat carbine training. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, average physical condition, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. ...
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Basics of shooting with a semi-automatic carbine or advanced combat carbine training. 3 x 1.5 hours, 2 to 6 participants, appointment by arrangement, average physical condition, the workshop includes physical exercises with an increased heart rate. Costs: € 390 per person, from the 3rd person € 145 plus ammunition

In this course, participants learn how to use their semi-automatic carabiner professionally. Handling a long gun has to be learned and practiced just as intensively as pistol shooting. Starting with adjusting the length of the rifle belt and handling the safety, in this course we train the different types of shooting while standing, kneeling and lying down, through to changing the magazine and quickly fixing a jammed rifle. The course is a must for any new owner of a semi-automatic carbine, whether it be a 22LR, 9mm, 7.62 or Winchester caliber.

For advanced shooters we offer an extended program covering the topics of running - stopping - shooting, switching between pistol and carbine and handling the carbine in confined spaces. The course consists of 3 units of 1.5 hours each, which should be completed within approx. 4 weeks for the best training success.